Matthew Riggs lista de filmes

Dad who ballooned to 27st drinking a bottle of rum and eating three takeaways a DAY sheds an incredible 14st after his son, 7, asked when he was going to die Matthew Riggs, 35, from Essex, went from 27st 2lb in 2019 to 13st 2lbs today He was motivated to shed weight by conversation with son Harrison, seven Harrison told Matthew he was going to die because his heart would 'blow up' Matthew Riggs, 35, from Essex, used to drink a bottle of rum everyday, buy takeaways three times a day and 'never exercise,' but he radically overhauled his lifestyle to lose more than half his body weight, going from 27stone 2lbs in 2019 to 13st 2lbs today. Now he works out daily, has not drunk alcohol in 449 days and has eaten the same lunch of turkey meatballs for three years. The changing moment occurred after a 'heart-breaking' conversation he had with his older son Harrison, who asked when his father was going to die because of his weight. Matthew recalled: 'Back in March 2019 my son, who was only seven at the time, came home from school one day and said he'd been learning about the body. He responded saying, "We've been learning about the body at school, and your heart is going to blow up because you're fat". It shattered me. Completely broke me to pieces. I felt myself welling up so I went into my room, looked at myself in the mirror and just broke down. That was the light bulb moment for me. I went back to my son, and I promised to join a gym and change my life for good to show him that anything is possible.'